Artist Statement

In my practice I embrace an eclectic array of mediums to bring my visions to fruition; avant garde fashion, Arduino, sound art, large installation work, and digital media works made of recycled materials and found objects are my magic. I aim to create an experience for my viewer by inviting them to interact with installations in order to truly feel their power. I have found collaborative projects to be the most fulfilling as I can bring my vision to life by directly exploring what I want to convey. My works explore interpersonal human relationships as we are forced to evolve in our modern technological world. A unifying theme across my creative history is the prominence of headpieces, as I am often questioning the connections between ones mind and body by looking at the brain and the subjective headspace.

Who is the Homie behind Omie?

Grayson Greer Smith (b. 2003) is a multimedia artist currently based in Portland, Oregon. They are earning their BA at Lewis & Clark College and plan on attending graduate school to grow their practice and work to become an art professor. Their up-cycled and avant-garde creative practice seeks to capture the subjective experience of humanity evolving in a technological world. Their art captivates audiences through a dynamic interplay of audible and physical elements, often interactive or reactive.