New Project Updates
Recently I have been working on the biggest non-school project I have ever made! Inspired by technology and nature, I wanted to explore darwinism and the mental metamorphosis humans experience. The impacts of technology are beyond comprehension when it comes to shaping self identity in the modern age. In my gender studies class we have been learning about the body double and how we develop multiple selves as we go throughout life to adapt to our situations. I was struck by the idea that our personal archive of selves could be described as a cycle of metamorphosis. The changes we go through validate the fear of stasis and fear of failure we encounter throughout life. I wanted to explore how the never ending prophecy of change and stimulation that technology has brought to our society turns our mindset against any preference for living in the present. I wanted to make a wearable piece that captures our metamorphosis or technologically driven Darwinism.
BTS of the photoshoot with Celna ( and Morgain McGarth
To live in the present would be to fully appreciate the current self in all its glory; to have gratitude and acceptance for one’s vessel. I wanted to capture that ideology in my photoshoot for the costume. I played off of the Franz Kafka story, Metamorphosis, for the vibe of the shoot as well as themes for posing. I wanted to capture his characters almost immediate acceptance but also exploration of self. I want my viewer to fully experience that when reflecting on their own identity and life. To look back and consider when they were their most authentic self, living in the moment and appreciating, and then bringing that feeling outside the work and incorporate . That is the metamorphosis of moving from living in the future, wishing you could be better, or perhaps living in the past and who you used to be. I will be expanding these ideas in my final paper so perhaps I will update this blog post in the future.
Costuming Process
I actually started with a few pieces I already had. Hoarder alert I know! The list is pretty long so I will make two, one of bought pieces and another of recycled or found objects.
Embellished Lining
Mirror Stickers
Space heater
Wire covers
Walkie-Talkie Antennae
Chains and Medallions
Catchers Vest
Mirrored Face Mask
Outdoor Light Cover
Mystery Mirrored Circle (I don’t know what its original purpose was)
Shirt and Scarf Scraps
It was so fullfilling to utalize all of these pieces because they are all unrecognizable when actually looking at the costume. I was able to bring it in for my junior review and my critics said they didn’t even know that these pieces were upcycled. It took about a month or two to fully piece it together. The final product was not finished until the day of the shoot which makes me think there’s more room for manipulation and metamorphasis of the piece.
Final shoot photos will be uploaded into my portfolio soon! A huge shoutout and thank you goes to my photographer Celna and my model Morgain @morgain_c.m . I couldn’t have accomplished the vision without you guys! Stay tuned for final photos and new blog posts about upcoming projects.
I will be debuting and performing the costume to the public for Beth Stephens’ and Annie Sprinkle’s Sound Art Installation at Lewis & Clark’s EAR Forest (4/9/2023)
I am so lucky and honored to be able to work closely with such awesome artists. I will be acting as an portal fairy, ushering visitors into the EAR Forest for the sound art installation.
For more information on the EAR Forest and its Visiting Artist:
I will make a blog post on my involvement with the EAR Forest once the school year ends and I get a little more time to reflect on how AWESOME it is to work with visiting artists and manage the social media (